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Is There A Perfect Way To End A Series?
The Rise of Skywalker, Avengers: Endgame and Game of Thrones all had endings that were received differently - here's why that is

Geeking Out at MCM London Comic Con
With panels from Sebastian Stan and Misha Collins, MCM London Comic Con Spring 2019 was certainly a special one.

We Need To Talk About Fandom Drama
The release of Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald has demonstrated that fans become divided, generating toxic behaviour. We need to add

I'm a Fangirl, and I'm Not Ashamed
Being a "fangirl" is not always considered a compliment. But I'm here to argue all the reasons of why it should be.

The Top Three: Con Tips
With MCM London Comic Con looming around the corner, I’ve already started mentally packing my bags, arranging my cosplays and...

The Fandom YouTuber Life - Interview with Alana King
Following my last post on inspiring women in interesting geeky roles, I wanted to take a deeper dive into one upcoming YouTuber that is...

'The Path Keeper' Review
The young adult fiction section is currently going through a state of boom. Never before have we had so much to choose from in this area....

The Top Three: Alternative Geeky Gifts
When you’re looking for a geeky gift and you’ve exhausted all the sitcom DVD’s, Pokémon games and Marvel comics on the planet, Christmas...

'Family Don't End with Blood' Review
In my final year of university I was fortunate enough to collaborate with an established writer to aid in research towards my...

The Top Three: Ways to Wear your Geek Tee
Geek tees. Practically every nerd has one. I mean, can you honestly call yourself a fan if you don’t own the shirt to prove it? But what...
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